Monday, June 14, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Being Mean

The narrator of "The Scarlet Ibis" loved his brother Doodle. But like many older brothers, he was mean to him at times. Today you'll write about being mean.
1. Think back to your childhood. -Discuss a time that you were mean to someone who didn't deserve it. Describe what happened -be honest, and provide details.
2. How do you feel about what happened now that you look back on the situation?

3. Why do you think people like Doodle's brother, and maybe even you are mean to others who don't deserve it?
*250-word minimum.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Writing a Cover Letter

You've imagined a profession that you would like to have when you are 25 years old, and you've written a resume that outlines the education and experience that goes along with having that particular job at that age. Now you're going to write a cover letter to go along with your resume.

What's a cover letter? Virginia Tech has a great page on cover letters. It details how and why to write a cover letter, and many examples are provided. Here's the link:
Now imagine that your 25-year-old self is applying for new job. Search the job listings on or the want ads in an online newspaper. Find a job that you might be qualified for (at age 25) in your field of interest. Use your gmail account to create a cover letter for it (write the cover letter in the body of your email). Email the cover letter to me (

Be sure to:
*Include your resume as a Microsoft Word attachment.
*Provide a link to the ad that you are responding to. This should be at the top of the page (just so I know what you're applying for).

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reviewing "The Alchemist"

1. Read the epilogue of the Alchemist.
2. In a new blog post on your blog, briefly summarize the book (identify title, author, type of story, etc,), discuss whether you liked it or not and why (be specific), and whether someone else should read it, skip it, or burn it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blog about whatever.

1) Writing is healthy -it's theraputic, it helps you clear your mind and clarify your thoughts. Today I want you to blog about whatever's on your mind. Write about something that's bothering you, or something that you're interested in, or something that you're passionate about, or an idea that you have.
*You will be graded on grammar and composition.
*200-word minimum.
*Don't be boring.
2) When you are complete, go to the student blogs page of this site. Read one of your classmates' posts from today, and leave them a thoughtful comment.
*Note: "I agree," "This is funny," etc. are not thoughtful comments.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Last week you identified a job that you might like to have when you are 25 years old. This week, you are to write a resume for your twenty-five-year-old self outlining the education and job experience that you hope to have at that point in your life.

1) Research the education and experience required for a person who holds your ideal job.

2) Research how to write a resume.
Here are a few samples:

3) Create your resume and email it to me as a MS Word attachment.
*Due Tomorrow, May 13 by the beginning of class.
*Late penalty: 8 points per school day late.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Job-Seeking Skills

In order to be happy, successful, and satisfied with your career, you should have a job that you can do well, that you feel is important, and that you are paid fairly for.
Complete the following in a new post on your blog:

1. Describe the job that you hope to have when you are 25 years old? *If you have a few ideas, describe just one.

2. Explain why you would be a good fit for this job and/or why this job would be a good fit for you.

3. (a) Review
this list of job skills (also distributed in class) and identify the twenty skills from the list that are most important for that job. (b) Under each skill, describe a situation where you will need to demonstrate that skill while doing the job that you identified earlier.

Your list will look like this:
1. Collecting Money
As a self-employed carpenter, I will have to prepare bills for clients, and collect payments after work has completed.
...You'll have twenty of these.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Polonius, Hamlet, and Privacy

Everyone is concerned about Hamlet. Polonius's theory is that Hamlet is upset not only because of the death of his father, but also because Ophelia has rejected him. In order to prove his theory and to get to the bottom of Hamlet's problems, Polonius confiscates a love letter written by Hamet to Ophelia and reads it to Claudius and Gertrude.

Is it ever OK to invade someone's privacy -for a parent to snoop, go through a child's text messages, etc. -for a concerned friend to look into another's personal life?

Explain why it is or is not OK to invade another person's privacy. Back up your argument with specifics. *200-word minimum.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blogging is torture!

Discuss the use of torture and execution in Shakespeare's England -why and how it was done / provide specific examples.

"Capital punishment" consists of executing someone for their crimes. "Corporal punishment" consists of causing someone pain or discomfort in order to punish them or to discourage a certain behavior. Corporal punishment can consist of anything from being forced to sit in a corner, to being spanked, to being whipped or stretched on the rack.

The United States executes criminals all the time, and we've recently tortured terrorism suspects. Do you think that capital and corporal punishment work, or do they just cause people to be angrier and more violent? Explain.

*Post your response on your blog, not this one.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Background Music

First: If you haven't done so by now, add a link to your blog student blogs page (see the post from March 30 below).

After you've done that, do this (post it on your blog, not the class blog):
In Ancient Greece, epic poems like The Odyssey were sung, and music was played to accompany the story. Think about your favorite scene from The Odyssey the n write about it and the music that would go well with it.

First paragraph: Describe the scene (the circumstances, what happens during the scene, the characters involved, the setting, etc.)

Second paragraph: discuss why you like the scene (Can you relate to it in any way? Does it show something about the characters involved? Is it funny, inspiring, or sad? Does it make you feel good? ...)

Third paragraph: think about a song that would make for good background music to the scene. Explain the song (what it sounds like, who it's by, what it's about, and why it would work well with this part of The Odyssey. Include a link to the lyrics and/or a streamable version or video of the song in your post. You can even embed the song/video if you want to get fancy.

After you've this, visit one of your classmates pages (available on the student directory page). Read what they wrote about their favorite scene and the music that should go with it, and leave them a comment (50 words minimum) about what they wrote.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Home Sweet Home

"I know no sweeter sight on earth than a man's own native country" -Odysseus.
Reread Odysseus' description of Ithaca, his homeland, on pg 212, lines 21-32.

In The Odyssey Homer spends a tremendous amount of time describing the landscape of Odysseus' Ithaca. Throughout his journey, Odysseus risks his life and declines great opportunities all in order to get home. Obviously Odysseus feels that Ithaca is worth risking everything for.

Many people have sacrificed to make your neighborhood a safe and comfortable place to live. Consider your town, your block, your home. Is it worth fighting for? Risking your life for?

In today's post:
*Explain what your neighborhood looks like and what it's like to live there. *Provide details.
*Discuss wether or not it's worth fighting for.
...If it is explain why.
... ...If it isn't, answer this question: Should we make things better at home? Do we owe it to anybody to make things better?

If you can, include a picture to go along with your post.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is Odysseus a good leader?

Throughout thier journey home, Odysseus and his men find themselves in a few tough situations. In fact, the entire crew dies, and Odysseus ends up stranded on Calypso's island. Whose fault is this? Are the men to blame? Do they lack the discipline to get tehmselves home? Or is Odysseus to blame? Does he fail in his role as a leader?
*Answer this question in a post on your blog (not this class blog).
*Provide specific supporting details.
*Yor post should consist of about 200 words.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Follow the Class Blog

Make things easy; follow the class blog. Here's how:

1) Click "Follow" in the top-left corner

2) Click the orange "Follow" button.

Now you'll be able to see new class blog posts on your dashboard.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Researching Ancient Greece

Today’s Assignment:

Use the web to research an aspect of ancient Greek culture or history. Consider learning about a greek god or goddess, about Homer, about ancient Greek weaponry or technology, about ancient greek art, food, or technology –anything.

Read the post on Achilles’ shield (below) and use it as an example.

Create a new blog entry in your student blog.

-The first part of your post should summarize what you learned.

-The second part should contain your own thoughts and ideas on what you’ve learned (this is called original insight).

-You should include a picture to go along with your topic.

-You must list your sourc(es) at the bottom of the post.

The Shield of Achilles

We’ve learned about Achilles, the greatest of all Greek warriors, and we’ve seen Brat Pitt portray him in Troy. If you read The Iliad, you’ll notice that Homer spends a lot of time on Achilles’ armor. It’s described in great detail, and it’s used to create a major conflict in the story (Achilles’ cousin borrows it; Hector kills him –thinking that he’s Achilles, and keeps the armor as a trophy. Achilles then kills Hector in an epic battle).

Achilles’ armor is more than a trademark or a trophy. It is a symbol for the Greek way of life.

His shield is covered with artwork –images of people not just at war, but people dancing, farming, and hunting. The shield features women and children too.

Achilles’ shield reminds us (as it probably reminded Achilles) that war is only a small part of life. And when a warrior does fight, when a man like Achilles does his job, it is to protect and preserve the way of life of the people –the people like the farmers, the hunters, the women, and the children featured on his shield.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Create Your Own Blog

You're already signed up as a contributor to this class blog. But you need to set up your own blog where you'll post responses to questions. Here's how:

1) Go to your Blogger dashboard and click "Create a Blog" in the top-right corner.
2) Name Your blog. Use your real name (first and last) and English IV Blog.
Example: Joe Smith's English IV Blog. Then choose an address, fill out the word-verification field, and click continue.
3) Choose the look and layout of your blog, and you're all set.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is Odysseus' Trojan Horse Plan Immoral?

Unlike Achilles, who relies on outfifghting his enemies, Odysseus outhinks his enemies. Some consider Odysseus' Trojan horse plan heroic. Others consider it evil trickery. What do you think about the issue? Leave a comment where you discuss whether or not it was OK for Odysseus to use trickery to defeat the Trojans. Are his actions brave and heroic or sneaky and cowardly? Is it OK to to use deception to get ahead in life? If so, when?
*Click on "Comments" below to leave your comment.
*Your comment should be at least 100-150 words.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Welcome to the English IV Blog.
Traditionally, you would put your ideas on a piece of paper and turn it in to your teacher. This blog allows you to share your thoughts with the teacher and your classmates. It's a great way for us to all learn from each other.

Blogging Style:
I've already told you that it's important to be bilingual (to speak both casual English and standard English) and that since you've already mastered casual English, I expect you to practice standard English when you speak and write for class. When you blog, use standard English. dont rite like ur txtng or iming k!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sign up for a gmail account.

A blog (short for web log) is a website that a person uses to post ideas, questions, photos, and / or video. The difference between a blog and a website is that the people who view a blog entry can leave comments of their own –they can even comment on other peoples’ comments.

I have set up a blog for our course ( I’ll use it to post articles, videos, podcasts, and questions that relate to World Literature. You will have to join the blog and submit comments.

How to join:

In order to join, you’ll need a gmail account. Go to and click “Create an account.”

You will be asked to create a login name. Your login name must start with your first initial and your last name so that I know who you are when you write a blog entry. You can put whatever you want at the end of your login name. For example: John Smith would choose jsmith as his login name, or jsmith28, or jsmithrocks, etc. –all of these start with jsmith.

Once you have set up a gmail account, email me at I’ll mail you back with an invitation to our English IV blog.

Reply to the invitation, and you’ll be ready to blog!