Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Home Sweet Home

"I know no sweeter sight on earth than a man's own native country" -Odysseus.
Reread Odysseus' description of Ithaca, his homeland, on pg 212, lines 21-32.

In The Odyssey Homer spends a tremendous amount of time describing the landscape of Odysseus' Ithaca. Throughout his journey, Odysseus risks his life and declines great opportunities all in order to get home. Obviously Odysseus feels that Ithaca is worth risking everything for.

Many people have sacrificed to make your neighborhood a safe and comfortable place to live. Consider your town, your block, your home. Is it worth fighting for? Risking your life for?

In today's post:
*Explain what your neighborhood looks like and what it's like to live there. *Provide details.
*Discuss wether or not it's worth fighting for.
...If it is explain why.
... ...If it isn't, answer this question: Should we make things better at home? Do we owe it to anybody to make things better?

If you can, include a picture to go along with your post.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Is Odysseus a good leader?

Throughout thier journey home, Odysseus and his men find themselves in a few tough situations. In fact, the entire crew dies, and Odysseus ends up stranded on Calypso's island. Whose fault is this? Are the men to blame? Do they lack the discipline to get tehmselves home? Or is Odysseus to blame? Does he fail in his role as a leader?
*Answer this question in a post on your blog (not this class blog).
*Provide specific supporting details.
*Yor post should consist of about 200 words.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Follow the Class Blog

Make things easy; follow the class blog. Here's how:

1) Click "Follow" in the top-left corner

2) Click the orange "Follow" button.

Now you'll be able to see new class blog posts on your dashboard.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Researching Ancient Greece

Today’s Assignment:

Use the web to research an aspect of ancient Greek culture or history. Consider learning about a greek god or goddess, about Homer, about ancient Greek weaponry or technology, about ancient greek art, food, or technology –anything.

Read the post on Achilles’ shield (below) and use it as an example.

Create a new blog entry in your student blog.

-The first part of your post should summarize what you learned.

-The second part should contain your own thoughts and ideas on what you’ve learned (this is called original insight).

-You should include a picture to go along with your topic.

-You must list your sourc(es) at the bottom of the post.

The Shield of Achilles

We’ve learned about Achilles, the greatest of all Greek warriors, and we’ve seen Brat Pitt portray him in Troy. If you read The Iliad, you’ll notice that Homer spends a lot of time on Achilles’ armor. It’s described in great detail, and it’s used to create a major conflict in the story (Achilles’ cousin borrows it; Hector kills him –thinking that he’s Achilles, and keeps the armor as a trophy. Achilles then kills Hector in an epic battle).

Achilles’ armor is more than a trademark or a trophy. It is a symbol for the Greek way of life.

His shield is covered with artwork –images of people not just at war, but people dancing, farming, and hunting. The shield features women and children too.

Achilles’ shield reminds us (as it probably reminded Achilles) that war is only a small part of life. And when a warrior does fight, when a man like Achilles does his job, it is to protect and preserve the way of life of the people –the people like the farmers, the hunters, the women, and the children featured on his shield.
