Unlike Achilles, who relies on outfifghting his enemies, Odysseus outhinks his enemies. Some consider Odysseus' Trojan horse plan heroic. Others consider it evil trickery. What do you think about the issue? Leave a comment where you discuss whether or not it was OK for Odysseus to use trickery to defeat the Trojans. Are his actions brave and heroic or sneaky and cowardly? Is it OK to to use deception to get ahead in life? If so, when?
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it was a nice move
ReplyDeleteI believe Odysseus plan with the trojan horse was herioc and brave. This shows how Odysseus can think his way through troubles. This concept could help you get ahead in life. My reason for saying that is if you think things through and plan them out you will find out that things may come easier. Odysseus shows that he is a strong and smart warrior.
ReplyDeleteOdysseus's plan the trojan horse wasnt trickery it was a well thought good battle stratgie. You always need good battle stragies in war and odyseus created a good one. It was totally unexpected by the trojan's
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ReplyDeletei think that his action for tricking was a great idea amd was brave and herioc because during you do anything to win. i don't think that you sholud use deception in life even if your tring to get somewhere in life
ReplyDeleteOdysseus and Achilles were two very different people. Achilles relied on his fighting while Odysseus relied on his brains and outhinking people. Odysseus's plan was well thought out and perferct. A war is a war and theres no cheating so he didnt break any rules he was just making sure he won the battle of troy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with nick completely on this situation. Everything that Odysseus did was smart of him to do as a person.
ReplyDeleteOdysseus's idea was brave and heoric because they had no idea how many people were in the city of troy ready to battle. Also the trojans could have checked the inside of the horse and killed them all or maybe even burned the horse down.
ReplyDeleteI agree with tom. you gotta do what you gotta do to win in war.
ReplyDeleteI agree with josh it was a nice move
ReplyDeletei agree with that kid josh shaw..hes so smart
ReplyDeleteOdysseus is a smart heroic man, who uses smarts and witts to win the battles he fights
ReplyDeletei think that it wasokay that Odysseus to use trickey to defreat the trojans because it was very brave of him. his actions was brave and heroic odysseus is not exactly cowardly. he is clevery on the ways that he wins the battle
ReplyDeleteHis plan was very sneaky, but at the same time brave and heroic. The trojan war was out of hand, Odysseus HAD to do something before it was too late. Outside forces were strong, but not strong enough to bring everything down. If you can't make it a strong enough attack from the exterior, attack from the interior. That's exactly what Odysseus did, and it worked like a charm.
ReplyDeleteThere's a big difference between using deception in everyday life, and in a war (especially when you're in Odysseus' position). It all depends in the reasoning behind your actions. If you and another co-worker are battling for a top promotion, and you decide to use some sort of "deception" to sabotoge the competition...that's just wrong. However, if you're fighting in a war and the only way to win is to trick your opponent...by all means, do it.
I believe Odysseus was a great heroic warrior. The reason I say this is because, as life goes on you go through trials and tribulations that cause you to be decietful in some type of way. This may bring you to your final destination where you have great powers
ReplyDeleteI believe that Odysseus's plan was cowardly and sneaky. He should have fought them like a real man instead of waiting for all of them to be drunk and passed out. However, his idea was genious and it worked. It's whatever.
ReplyDeleteBoth terms are correct but it all depends on the way the trick is used. Is it being used to win a petty race? Or is it being used to help win a war? Which harms you and which helps you? The Trojan Horse trick was a great idea for use in winning a war. But if it was used as a road block in a race, that would be sneaky and cowardly.
ReplyDeleteI think that Odysseus was a brave warrior but was also a smart one. His Trojan Horse idea of infiltrating the city of Troy at nightfall was intelligent. The reason I think his idea was so smart is because it saved the lives of many greek warriors and it ended a 10 year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. I agree with Josh because I think his idea was well thought out.
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ReplyDeleteI think Odysseus had a great idea. His idea was very brave and heroic. Sometimes to win a war you have to out think the enemy and he did judt that. The horse idea was great because the warriors they were fighting were drunk and hung over and never saw it coming. It was tricky but its war and you have to do what ever you can to win. If it didnt involve the war i dont think you should make a move like that. I think you should face eople one on one. In this case i like the idea because it was a great idea and he defeated his enemies and in a war the point is to defeat the enemy nomatter what you have to do to get their. So in the end i believe Odysseus made a great move.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a smart thing to do, because no one thought that any one would be in the horse. When they came out the horse they were scared because they didnt no what had happen, and were all the peolpe can from.
ReplyDeletethere was no other way to penetrate troy and this was the only way to get in so it was completly ok to use trickery to get into troy
ReplyDeleteWhat Odysseus did with the horse was indeed a brilliant idea but it was all tricky and cheating. The Trojan War was not intellectual, it was violent. Odysseus completely changed the rules of the war and cheated. I believe it was cowardly of him to hide and then attack while the enemy was unarmed. It didn’t give the Trojans a fair chance. If the war kept going as according to plan then the Trojans would’ve won. Odysseus was a smart man but not a real man because he chose to hide instead of fight. Whether his plan worked or not is irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mike they didnt have to accept the horse but they did. if they didnt have this great idea then more men would have died and they would have lost the war. It was a great move.
ReplyDeleteI agree with mark when he said that he was brave and heroic.
ReplyDeleteI believe Odysseus plan was clever and smart. If Odysseus did not come up with this plan they would have lost the trojan war. The Trojans did not have to accept the horse, by doing so they deserved to have their city burned down. The trojans were stupid to think that Odysseus and his army would give up that easy which is why they deserved it. Odysseus saved his people because if he did not come up with this brilliant plan his army would have still attacked Troy and they would have been destoyed instead of the other way around.
ReplyDeleteI think that his plan was very smart. That he would have not got inside of the walls of the tojan city if he hadn't did the things that done. He would have not survie the mission of attacking the city
ReplyDeleteI agree with Marc agreeing with me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Doto too their was no other way to get in their. I disagree with Erica. No offense but war isnt about making friends, Its about doing what you need to do to win the war and thats what Odysseus did.
ReplyDeletei don't think what doto said is completely true because there were other ways to get in, like with more force then they were applying.
ReplyDeleteyes he did decive troy but to only win the war and to get his honor back
ReplyDeleteerica they fought 4 10 years to get in there so there was no more applying force this was the only thing left to do
ReplyDeleteI agree with agreeing with everyones comment
ReplyDeletei agree with marc and mike b
ReplyDeleteI believe it was very heroic of Odysseus. Achillies is a great and ruthless warrior but he didnt think his plans out. Odysseus is a good warrior and has brains too, which makes him a better warrior. Battles will be easier for them if they can out think their opponets. The Trojan horse idea made them win the war. The horse also shows how smart Odysseus battle strategy of deception to enter the walls of Troy was.
ReplyDeletetroy was inpenetrable so it took more than power to get in it took smarts
ReplyDeleteI believe Odysseus was a heroic man. I do not believe he used trickery or no other type of sneaky ways to befeat the Trojans. Odyssey won fair and square ; that's why he has the Trojan army fighting for him now.
ReplyDeletei personally believe that Odysseuse's plan was heroic and brilliant in life these situations are used everyday but like the trojan horse you might not always be able to tell whats in front of you.
ReplyDeleteI think that having the plan of the trojan horse was a good idea. I think his idea was brave nd heroic because it would be dangerous if he would of gone byhimself. It is good that he put the trojan horse plan to trick the enemies in order to kill them. I think that using deception in life isn't good. To kill someone is not going to make you feel like a better person or heroic. In my opinion, it is not goin to get you anywhere in life. An example I think would be is, a criminal. If they hate a person or have problems with them, they would want a kill to feel like the king of the world. I don't think this should happen.
ReplyDeletei agree with Kelsey Favieri
ReplyDeleteI think that was really a clever trick but at the same time the trojans were stupid to not check the Trojan Horse .
ReplyDeletei think that steven aka ( MR.$SCRUGG$) is COMPLETELY wrong ; kthanks !
ReplyDeleteThey just weren't trying hard enough and got lazy. And in choosing to be lazy they chose to be cowardly.
ReplyDeleteJT and Doto are just wrong.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mike
ReplyDeleteohhhhh bonn bonnn ; i didnt know how to spell your name :) sorry hun!
ReplyDeletei believe it was smart for Odyssus' Trojan horse. it was brave and heroic. i dont believe it was cowardly at all. it was brave and heroic because it takes guts to do what he did. i think its beter to be like Odysseus and outhink the enemies then to be like Achillies and relie on outfighting his enemies. at times a leader has to do what he/she has to do to protect his/her people.
ReplyDeletei agree with marc agreeing with mike =]
ReplyDeleteI think Odysseus Trojan horse idea was smart, because their was no other way that he would be able to make it in.
ReplyDeleteI think it was a smart and crafty move. But very sneaky because they tricked them and then ambushed the city from the inside and attacked the city.
ReplyDeleteI think he was smart by using the horse. In war you have to do what you have to do to win. He was clever.
ReplyDeleteOdysseus plan was very impressive. His plan was brave,heroic,and sneaky. Just like a small boy to a bigger person. the only way to win the fight is not by sheer power,but to out think his opponent. Setting his men to build a horse made the enem think the trojens surrenderd. So the greek men got extremly drunk that ld them to their down fall. The men of trojen qiuetly came out the horse killing the drunk men of greek
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ReplyDeleteI believe that Odysseus's plan to build the trojan horse and put his men in the horse so that they have the element of surprise to kill the men of troy was a good idea. I also believe they got lucky. what if all the men of troy weren't drunk then they would have killed Odysseus and his men because when they came out of the horse the men of Troy would have slaughtered them.