We’ve learned about Achilles, the greatest of all Greek warriors, and we’ve seen Brat Pitt portray him in Troy. If you read The Iliad, you’ll notice that Homer spends a lot of time on Achilles’ armor. It’s described in great detail, and it’s used to create a major conflict in the story (Achilles’ cousin borrows it; Hector kills him –thinking that he’s Achilles, and keeps the armor as a trophy. Achilles then kills Hector in an epic battle).
Achilles’ armor is more than a trademark or a trophy. It is a symbol for the Greek way of life.
His shield is covered with artwork –images of people not just at war, but people dancing, farming, and hunting. The shield features women and children too.
Achilles’ shield reminds us (as it probably reminded Achilles) that war is only a small part of life. And when a warrior does fight, when a man like Achilles does his job, it is to protect and preserve the way of life of the people –the people like the farmers, the hunters, the women, and the children featured on his shield.
Achilles wasnt a man who fought for other mens greed to conquer. He only fought to protect his country and loved ones. achilles knew what was to come if he was to battle, but he made his choice to protect and serve the people at home who are help less. The shield symbolizes the people he protects.